Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
I am blessed to be able to do what I do and to be able to play a small role in the lives of children.
Our Pine Knot pride, success and tradition continues on. With our mascot being the Dragon, we often see it illustrated with the ROAR acronym for our school values being RESPONSIBLE, ORGANIZED, ACCOUNTABLE, RESPECTFUL. As early as preschool we inculcate our children with these values which mirrors our district's commitment to excellence. Character development is also one of our goals. In addition to core values, PKES is also defined by guiding principles of open honest communication, high expectations, and a loving, caring, family atmosphere. It is my commitment to parents to maintain a warm, safe, supportive and nurturing environment for every student because each student deserves nothing less. You are trusting me with the most precious thing in your life - your child - and I take this responsibility very serious. I make decisions for my students as if they are my very own child and I treat them as such.
I'm looking forward to a wonderful school year and I cannot wait until the hallways are filled with shuffling feet, chatter and laughter. I can't wait for you to see our updates that have been done to our building - fresh paint, new tile and a brand new roof! Wait until you see it! I look forward to seeing you at open house on Tuesday, August 6th. We will not be sending home supply list this year. We do not want to burden our families with lengthy lists. Any supplies you send will be appreciated. Basic paper and pencils are used most.
School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
In the interest of safety, please do not drop off your children before 7:30 AM, as there is no supervision before that time. Also, please be sure to pick up your children by 3:20PM in the afternoon.
Our school day begins at 8:00 a.m. every day. Please be sure to have your child/children here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling frantic and unprepared. All students who arrive after 8:00 am must sign in at the office with a parent. If your child will not be present, please call and inform the attendance clerk.
*To ensure student safety: Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom halls from 8:00-3:00. If you are a volunteer, you will need to sign in at the front office and wear your badge at all times.
*Teachers will not be taking calls during instruction time. They will be available for calls or scheduled visits during their planning times. Therefore, please email or call, and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your child’s safety is my number one priority. I look forward to another fun, exciting and successful school year.
Go Dragons!
Cindy Moore, Principal